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If Men Cried

I've been crying a lot lately.

I've been feeling helpless and detached. Symptoms from the lyme disease antibiotics were suppossed to stop weeks ago have persisted and I've started to think... Why me???

Why can't I thrive?

A little over two years ago it was a concussion that left me confused, emotionally volatile, and depressed.

For 6 months I struggled every day to climb out of the personal hell that I was living in, to no avail. Exericise, long a remedy for my anxiety and depression left me feeling only fractionally better. Eventually, it was only Prozac that was able to push the restart button on a computer that had crashed in the thick of my senior year.

Fast forward a year and I was primed for success. I had just started NoFap, had tons of energy and enthusiasm, and was stoked to be starting my college career. From almost day one the toxic social climate of Elon University eroded my solid foundation, each forced, fake interaction slowly taking its toll. By the end of the year I was back to square one, forced once again to climb my way out of depression and re-energize my stagnant social life.

Move now to present day and I am again put in a unique situaiton at West Chester University. Surrounded by more down to earth people and a campus close to home, WCU provides a great environement to thrive. Yet again, however, I feel fucked over, this time by Lyme disease, a disease that left me bed-ridden during a surfing trip to North Carolina over the summer, and has more recently given me bouts of dizziness, vertigo, and anxiety.

It seems that as soon as I begin to thrive, something just has to come up. For those tennis people out there, I feel like I'm hitting my best shots of the match only to have them returned by superior ones. It sucks and its fucking frustrating.

I am incredibly angry and frustrated over what is happeing and I find myself asking, why me?

So I cried.

Bill Burr posed the question on his Monday Morning podcast... What if guys could just let it out, the way that Chris Bosh did after the Heat lost in the NBA Finals? Bill argues (in his joking manner of course) that guys would be so much better off if we could just let it all out, more like our female counterparts. I don't disagree.

Avril Lavrigne, for example, also struggled recently with Lyme Disease and opened up about it in an interview with ABC on Good Morning America.

Of course, Tony Robbins isn't afraid to get emotional and tells an incredible story of how he turned his worst day into his best day. This video made me cry, and I thought I'd share it with you guys.

Additionally, Ronda Rousey says that she cries before every fight (and she's undefeated... I don't know).

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